How We Plan

Etiwanda Pipeline

Southern California’s
Water Planner 

拥有南加州近百年的水资源规划遗产, 大都会的任务是展望未来,预见该地区的需求, 以及我们可能遇到的供应挑战. 规划是大都会可靠性的基石,我们寻求创新的解决方案和战略投资,以实现我们提供可靠性的使命, 188bet棋牌平台和未来的高品质水.

确保1900万加州人用水的可靠性不是一件容易的事. 南加州一半的水是从几百英里外进口的. 而这些资源正日益受到气候变化的威胁, 更长时间的干旱和地震. 面对这些挑战,大都会必须保持可靠. Planning remains key.

Metropolitan's 水资源适应气候变化总体规划 will consider climate scenarios alongside plans for water resource development and management, 应急准备和反应, 以及财政可持续性,使该地区做好应对潜在影响的准备.


Adapting to Weather Extremes

California’s recent climate extremes highlight the challenges ahead in managing our water supplies. 从 historic droughts to record-setting levels of rain and snow in the span of just a few years, 我们地区传统上依赖的进口水源- -来自科罗拉多河流域和北加州- -在不断变化的气候中变得越来越紧张,越来越不可持续.

大都会长期以来一直认识到保护和管理我们州宝贵的水资源的重要性,通过我们的 Integrated Water 资源 Plan. We initiated this blue打印 for planning in the mid-1990s and have since refined the IRP several times. With each major update, we have revised and adapted our management objectives and approaches to meet the projected water needs of Southern California.

大都会长期规划过程的下一个重大更新是通过《188bet体育平台下载》制定的. 这一更新的长期规划过程将整合复杂的气候模拟, 在25年的时间跨度内绘制了各种供水和需求情景图,并对成本进行了有意识的商业预测,以确保我们处于有利地位,进行战略性和可持续的投资,这将使整个南加州受益.

我们的 CAMP4W process includes collaboration and engagement with our member agencies and elected leaders, community-based organizations, local businesses and the public. We are seeking feedback and dialogue as we chart our sustainable path forward and work together to build a stronger, 南加州更有弹性的水的未来.


California Aqueduct

Urban Water Management Plan

Metropolitan demonstrates its ability to meet expected water demands in the region for the next quarter century, even under drought conditions, 通过城市水管理计划. Required by the state, the plan provides a summary of Metropolitan’s anticipated water demands and supplies through 2045, 这表明我们将满足正常用水年份的需求, single dry-years, and five-year drought sequences. 大都会2020年UWMP计划的核心是其多样化的水资源组合, including imported supplies from the Colorado River and State Water Project; local projects offering water recycling and groundwater recovery; short- and long-term water transfers; storage, both inside and outside of the region; and continued investment in water-use efficiency and demand management.

The plan describes implementation strategies and schedules and other relevant information and programs. 的 UWMP, 作为2020年综合水资源计划规划过程的一部分,编写了, 每五年更新一次以符合加州水法. 缺水应急计划包括大都会的有效管理和计划行动,以应对实际缺水情况. It improves preparedness for droughts and other impacts on water supplies under varying degrees of water shortages.  WSCP符合加州水法,并根据需要进行更新. 



Water Shortage Contingency Plan

2020 Reference Materials

2015 Reference Materials



  • Metropolitan has water supply capabilities sufficient to meet expected demands under normal water year hydrologic conditions, 单年干旱和连续5年干旱的情况.

  • 可靠性评估认识到需求管理投资的长期 影响,以及 科罗拉多河渡槽的多样化资源组合 计划, State  Water  Project, 中央谷存储和转移, local resources, and in-region storage. 

  • 大都会有全面的计划来解决频繁和严重的干旱时期, 在水资源短缺的情况下采取渐进的行动,包括超过50%的水资源短缺 和灾难性的供水中断.

  • 城市视水质为供水可靠性的重中之重, ensuring that delivered water meets or surpasses all state and federal drinking water standards. 

  • 大都会在提供足够的服务方面面临着许多挑战, 可靠的, 以及为南加州提供高质量的补充供水, 包括年水文条件的剧烈波动, 气候变化引起的长期水文变化, 国家水利工程的运行限制, 以及藻类毒素等水质挑战, pfa, 以及对新出现的问题的成分的识别.  通过 供应发展的各种行动来解决这些挑战, demand management, and water quality protection.
DVL Refilling

Water Surplus & Drought Management Plan

我们的 水资源过剩和干旱管理计划 提供了一个框架来管理大都会在过剩和短缺时期的资源,以帮助实现南加州100%的水可靠性. To reach this goal, 该计划的指导原则是在雨季储存和管理可用的水,并与成员机构合作,尽量减少干旱年份缺水的影响. At the start of the year, 大都会制定了一个针对干湿水文条件的初步计划, 然后大都会定期评估可用的水供应和现有的水储存水平,以确定计划中确定的适当管理行动.

WSDM计划多年来一直很好地服务于大都会和南加州, through both dry and wet periods. Thanks to this comprehensive water management strategy and actions we’ve taken to strengthen our reliability, 大都会在2020年结束时的储水量创下了纪录.

How We Plan

Long-Term Conservation Plan

大都会及其成员机构长期以来一直是节约用水的领导者, 是南加州供水可靠性的重要组成部分. In 2009, 在大都会及其成员机构的敦促下, 加州立法机关要求城市零售供水商到2020年实现人均用水量减少20%. To support this goal, 大都会的2010年IRP更新也概述了这一点, our board adopted the Long-Term Conservation Plan,其中确定了实现这一目标的战略和行动.

大都会航空公司在2015年提前五年完成了这一目标, thanks in part to an emergency statewide drought declaration urging residents and businesses to limit their water use. We’ve worked to help Southern Californians continue their water-saving ethic by creating lasting changes in consumer values, 鼓励购买节水设备, conducting outreach and education, 倡导更智能的建筑和管道规范.



Southern California’s geographic location puts us at risk for several types of natural disasters. 当我们的供水可能因地震而中断时,应急计划和准备是必不可少的, 滑坡, flood or other natural disaster.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

大都会正在与整个地区的26个成员机构和县应急管理人员合作,制定一项《188bet体育平台下载》, 确定并分析一系列全面的战略和项目,以减少自然灾害对南加州供水的影响.

LHMP对于确保大都会能够继续履行其使命至关重要,即使在面临紧急情况时也能为其服务区域提供可靠的供应. Development of the LHMP began with data collection, analysis of existing conditions, and outreach.

For questions, e邮件 [e邮件 protected].


Prepared for the Big One


Metropolitan is prepared to ensure Southern California has water even in a worst-case scenario: a major earthquake. 我们有提高基础设施抗地震能力的项目,我们准备在紧急情况下作出反应,尽快恢复我们的系统.  We also have emergency reserves set aside in the event our imported supplies are cut off while repairs are being made. 我们的地震恢复战略是一个多方面的方法,包括大都会内几个关键领域之间的协调,以及与加州水资源部和洛杉矶水电局的密切合作, 区内其他两个主要进口输水系统的业主, 增强区域抗震能力.

Metropolitan’s Dam Safety Program

Metropolitan owns and operates 20 reservoirs and 24 dams that store or manage water throughout Southern California.  在加州水资源部水坝安全部门的管辖下,这些结构由大都会188bet棋牌平台人员和DSOD定期检查,以确保它们继续安全运行.  我们所有的水坝都根据对下游生命和财产的潜在影响进行了分类.  FEMA categorizes the downstream hazard potential into three categories of increasing severity:  Low, Significant, 高与DSOD增加了第四类极高.

DSOD报告说,大都会的所有水坝都是安全的,可以继续运行.  请 电子邮件我们 有关大都会水坝安全计划的更多信息.

我们的 Program

我们的 dam monitoring systems collect data from a portfolio of instrumentation to monitor their safety and performance. Parameters measured include dam internal pressures, water levels, seepage flows, and deformation. 188bet棋牌平台人员定期检查仪器数据,以发现任何潜在的大坝安全问题迹象. 仪器数据报告每年提交给DSOD.

我们的工程师每月或每季度对所有水坝进行检查, and at least once a year in the presence of DSOD staff for dams that are High or Extremely High Hazard.


188bet棋牌平台人员和独立顾问进行定期评估,以评估水坝的性能并确定任何必要的改进. Staff coordinates with the DSOD to ensure these assessments are completed in accordance with all dam safety regulations.

大都会为所有24座大坝准备了洪水地图, 并且都得到了裁军特别会议的正式批准. 我们的洪水地图显示了假设大坝发生灾难性故障可能导致的洪水范围,从而通知当地应急管理当局所有可能受影响的地区. 更多信息可在 DSOD website.

One of the most important elements of Metropolitan’s dam safety program is planning and preparing for potential emergencies.  规划过程包括准备洪水淹没图, developing and maintaining an Emergency Action Plan for each dam in coordination with local emergency management authorities, 定期维护和测试大坝监测系统, 所有应急脱水设备的定期维护和使用, 并至少每年对环境保护计划进行定期审查.

Drought gardens